How to Prepare your Car for Winter

Cars play an integral part in our daily lives throughout the year, but they seem even more significant during the colder months. However, the harsher weather can pose a real threat to your vehicle, which is why you need to ensure that you’ve taken the right winter precautions.

Here are five simple steps to ensure that your care is ready for the testing times ahead.

#1. Check the battery

Car Battery

Nobody wants to be faced with the prospect of doing a jump start in the snow, which is why checking the state of your battery should be an immediate priority. They are supposed to last five years, but that doesn’t;t mean yours will. The reduced output caused by the cold weather, combined with the increased use of lights and heating, means that the battery will be working harder than ever. So, if yours is showing any signs of struggling to start, you should probably get it seen to right away.

#2. Check the wheels

Car Tyres

The wheels are in constant contact with the ground while they also play a huge role in breaking and steering. As such, keeping the tyres in great condition is vital. Check the tread and pump up the air pressure to ensure that they are safe as this is not the time of year to be taking risks. It’s also a good time to treat scuffed alloys or damaged rims. Not only will it improve the look; more importantly, it’ll bolster the performance and safety too.

#3. Check the fluids

Car Fluids

Engine coolant is a major priority at this time. However, the fact you’ve probably stuck to water in the summer months means that the antifreeze has become diluted. So, top it up with antifreeze to ensure that it returns to the 50-50 mix that you desire. This is an ideal time to think about the transmission fluid while also topping up the basics like the window screen washer. Once again, topping up with antifreeze can help your car remain safe and at the highest level of performance.

#4. Check the lights

Car Light

Your concerns shouldn’t be all about your driving, though. The threat of colliding with other drivers is at its greatest level during the winter months, and not only because the roads can be icy or wet. Visibility issues in fog, combined with the early sunsets, should be enough to encourage you to check all bulbs. If they are blown, cracked, or obstructed, it’s imperative that you attend to the issues ASAP. Check fog lights, full beams, indicators, and reflectors.

#5. Be prepared this winter

Winter Emergency Car Kit

Above all else, you need to be ready for anything that winter might throw at you. Putting the car in for a service is never a bad idea. Meanwhile, you want to ensure that the boot is equipped with jumper cables, a spare tyre, a first aid kit, and other essentials that’ll help you out of sticky situations. Always check the weather before long journeys and give yourself enough time to reach your destinations in time. Being in a rush can increase the chance of an accident tenfold. While prevention is the best form of protection, knowing that you have a good insurance coverage in place is also vital. Do not forget it.


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